Datacom backs Hudson to thrive in tech

Hudson Curren is offered a scholarship to study a Bachelor of Software Engineering at Yoobee College of Creative Innovation.

Photo of Hudson.

At 18-years-old, Hudson Curren is well on his way to becoming the next Elon Musk.

During Datacomp, an annual technology competition, participants were challenged to invent a product with global impact aligned with the theme ’the power of coming together’.

Hudson placed second runner-up for coding two websites from scratch – earning him a software development internship with Datacom.

With an inherent passion for his craft, Hudson has been coined a “natural talent” by Datacom executives.

Given his advanced ability in coding, Hudson was selected by Datacom to develop a new documentation system that can be taken to market.   

In recognition of his high performance, just a few months into his internship, Datacom offered Hudson a scholarship to study a Bachelor of Software Engineering at Yoobee College of Creative Innovation.

“The Datacom internship is a foot in the door, and I hope that I can use it to get further into the industry once I complete my tertiary education with Yoobee,” says Hudson.

"The practical learning opportunities at Yoobee show it's possible to enjoy learning whilst attaining vital industry skills and networks."

Hudson has set his sights on landing a senior role with Datacom to help lead the next wave of innovation. At this rate, he’s bound to reach his goal.