From music tutor to woman in tech

Irina Getman is a Women in Tech Scholarship recipient.

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The pandemic was a career catalyst for Yoobee and Datacom Women in Tech Scholarship recipient, Irina Getman, to unleash her hunger for change.

Working from home opened Irina’s eyes to just how much you can achieve through technology.

“After googling the work opportunities available in the technology, I noticed the number of skills shortages in the sector,” shared Irina.

“This pushed me to pursue a career in tech with Yoobee.”

As a 49-year-old music tutor, going back to study was a real switch-up, but Irina’s drive to future-proof her skills allowed her to succeed in her studies.

“When I was choosing a between tertiary providers, having a scholarship was crucial part of my decision.”

“Yoobee provided me with the guidance I needed to apply for possible scholarships and even went the extra mile to help me write my cover letter to express my interest.”

Now a third-year Bachelor of Software Engineering student, Irina is sure she wants to become a data specialist. For now, she is focused on gaining more work experience.

“I’m looking forward to starting my internship with Datacom.”

Irina hopes to see more women enter the profession: “I’m a big supporter of positive changes and initiatives, such as the women in tech scholarships at Yoobee, that aim to improve education and recruitment of women in the industry.”